Two Means #1
There Are … Well Zero Firms That Can Claim Our Retention Record Having Only Lost Two People in 21 Years.
How We Rank In Our Markets
We’re no stranger to national achievements. Most important to our clients is how we rank in their industries. Nationally, we rank in 12 industries as well as being #1 or #2 among Atlanta firms.
Can You Say Greatest of All Time?
It started innocently enough when a colleague acknowledged another colleague for taking extraordinary measures to complete a project. In time, the practice of staff recognizing staff for delivering something worthy of “Greatest of All Time” became a ritual. Eventually, a symbolic GOAT award appeared, and the legend of the GOAT was born. According to Wikipedia, a GOAT is recognition for being the “Greatest Of All Time” in a particular skill at a defined time. Today, our success can be highlighted by strategic thinking, but we are differentiated in the eyes of our clients by our execution, delivered each and every day by a small army of “GOATs.”

International Reach
The Atlas Alliance was our first venture, motivated by our interest in serving clients with an international footprint and grounded in partner boutiques that worked as aggressively and purposefully as we do. More importantly, they operate with a greater sense of responsiveness than an office of a multi-national. Sorry, that’s just a fact.
Wild Blue Yonder
Started as a curated travel program for staff who, after one year, become eligible for a week getaway with the agency picking up the big ticket costs. So far, staff have found their yonder in places like Italy, Belize, Mexico, and Panama to name a few. That doesn’t suck.
Nine years. Not many agencies our size would consider celebrating such a milestone because you may be setting yourself up for failure. We are fortunate, however, with about 30% of our staff past the nine-year threshold. For those “Niners,” it’s bon voyage to somewhere in the wild blue yonder, a week on the agency, complete with travel miles and cash.
Our Approach To Staffing Is Easy
One Part Culture, One Part Skill.
One Part Experience.
The experience piece is unforgiving. Either you have it or you don’t. Skills are critical, but with training, tools and guidance, we can close gaps. Culture is on us to articulate. Once we do, you will know if your search is over.
Launched by Trevelino/Keller, Winepreneurs is an invitation-only (sorry, but there must be enough grapes to go around) community gathering for Atlanta entrepreneurs and wine enthusiasts. We’ll banter about startups, acquisitions and new innovations while we network and connect in the spirit of fostering prosperity among the entrepreneur community.