Why Working With Startups is a Wild Ride

working with startups is a wild rideThe startup world can be brutal.  So much so that 90% of all startups fail. And while that stat may be disheartening, it doesn’t make the founders, investors and partner companies any less determined to focus on becoming the one in ten that survives and potentially, thrives.


As a public relations and digital marketing agency, we place focus on six practice areas: Food and Beverage, Greenworks, Lifestyle, Corporate, Technology and Health. And across every practice area, we have a least one thing in common — startups. While Silicon Valley may lean towards tech startups and pockets within cities like Atlanta weigh heavy on B2B companies, our startups clients range from the fashion industry to mom-oriented mobile applications to franchise systems who on occasion make a stop at Shark Tank for a capital or celebrity infusion.


Part of the appeal with these companies is the opportunity to be a part of a disruption in the status quo. Startups find agencies invaluable if, in that pre-launch phase, they can help the entrepreneurs take their napkin concept and make it relevant to the target audience.  That’s easier said than done. That’s easier said than done, largely because a team of passionate visionaries that has been marinating in their creation possibly for years only to turn its language, its nomenclature and sometimes, even it’s brand on a 90 degree angle.


One of the first questions we ask ourselves and our startup clients is what are the must-haves vs. the nice-to-haves.  Sometimes it’s important to narrow the focus so you can apply the right resources at the right time, while extending the longevity of those limited, precious funds.  From messaging and website design to priority markets and audiences, we work with startups to navigate the complex process. And while not every company can or wants to be the next Zappos, we’ve partnered with many that get funding, get bought out (even by other clients) and make it to the next level.


Although the startup journey isn’t always smooth, our goal remains the same. To catapult our clients into the 10 percent and enjoy the wild and crazy ride that takes us there.  Follow along with the startup industry via Start-Opia.



About Heather Graham Hood

Heather is an Executive Vice President at Trevelino/Keller. She holds the title of T/K’s first employee and has been helping hold down the fort for 11 years! She leads the consumer practice, but spends time focusing on financial services and technology.