5 Is Just Right

Every new year we attempt to resolute ourselves into better human beings. Eat better.  Lose weight. Exercise more. Drink less. Consume more water. Get out of the house. Read more books—enlightening books. Watch less TV. Listen to more podcasts. Travel to a new land. Go to the office more…or less. Stash more money. More or less, better or not. It can be daunting.

Most of us fall short after a month or less. We challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone, our routines, and accomplish more when we are already taxed by everyday life. Some of us have fewer reasons not to move the needle. Kids are grown. Commute is shorter or non-existent. House is downsized. But we have no routine for new, ambitious goals. And the real issue is we often set too many that seem too difficult to reach.

This latest issue of EDGE is about the number five: 5 reasons, 5 ways, 5 things to take away.  Every time I fall off the running wagon, age makes it more difficult to return. So, I say, I’m going to run five times every two weeks. After a couple of weeks, I’m going to run five times, but instead of three or four miles each time, I’m going to run five miles on at least one of those five runs. At my own pace, I’ll move to two 5-milers. Then I’ll move to five runs every week. Then my shortest run of the five runs will be five miles.

Yes, I would like to add a podcast to those runs, but only on occasion. And as I run, I begin to consume more water. I eat better. I take more supplements because I need the boost. I watch less TV because, well, I’m going to bed earlier, tired from the miles. I go out less, drink less, save money. And I owe it all to five. Anything less than five, and I’m uninspired because change isn’t coming. Anything more, and I can’t keep up. Five is just right.