Finding the Right Balance of AI

In 2024, there’s no shortage of AI applications across virtually every industry. For marketing and public relations, adoption is moving rapidly as firms and agencies attempt to find the right degree of checks and balances while juggling client expectations.


While T/K took a “walk before we run” approach, we believe there are solid cases for embracing AI and integrating it into our tech stack. But before we dive into a few use cases, we think it’s important to remind people that AI is still at the beginning of its potential. What works today won’t necessarily work tomorrow, and businesses must continue to look ahead.




Our investment in our tech stack has always started with productivity tools. The better we can enable our human capital, the more effective they will be. One of the great things about AI is you don’t always have to replace an existing productivity application with something new. Pre-AI applications realize their survival depends on their integration capabilities, and many of our favorites have already followed suit.


For example, we like Trello as a Workspace. With Atlassian Intelligence, we can harness the power of AI to help summarize content and identify action items to keep projects moving. With our commitment to Zoom, we opted to bring on Fellow to eliminate the manual efforts of post-Zoom catch-up by providing automatic meeting notes, agendas and to-do lists.


Beyond Productivity


For firms looking at great applications across what we see as the starting point for AI, here’s our short list today:

  1. Influencer Marketing [Influencity]
  2. Campaign Measurement []
  3. Competitive Tracking [Klue]
  4. A/B Testing [Unbounce]
  5. Persona Development [GWI]
  6. SEO [HubSpot]


Notice we don’t reference content development tools. We know they paved the way, but we see that crossing the line. Content is too important not to be human-led, emotional, provocative and original. That’s what ChatGPT told us when we asked, anyway.