Lost in Social Media Land?

The social media movement has taken over the lives of more than 60 percent of Americans, according to the recent Cone Business in Social Media Study. More importantly, the survey also found that 93 percent of social media users believe a company should have a presence in social media, with 85 percent who agree a company should not only be present but also interact with its consumers via social media. Now, how is that for a sign your company should be social networking?!


We all get that Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, MeetUp, Digg, Flickr, Del.icio.us, Linkedin and on and on can be very overwhelming for companies choosing to dive in! The fact is, using these sites and many more can be a very effective, low cost way to market your company. Whether you are B2C, B2B or Not for Profit, there is something out there for everyone. 


At Trevelino/Keller, we believe that weaving your way through the social media world can be painless…and even as easy as a game. You see, we have created SocialStatusTK, a platform designed to take a game board approach to introducing companies to the world of social media. SocialStatusTK makes social media easy to comprehend and seamless to implement. All you need is a starting point and a glossary of social media terms and you are on your way.


With help from The Content FactorBemyad.comMobile Media Enterprises and Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP Trevelino/Keller is hosting a social status seminar, sponsored by Marketing Mine, where attendees can expect an initiation into the social media landscape from bloggers and social networks to user-generated content platforms, mobile messaging campaigns and virtual worlds and essentially any viral communications environment. The seminar draws from each partner company’s fields of expertise which includes public relations and social media (Trevelino/Keller), content creation (The Content Factor), web video ad promotions (Bemyad.com), mobile marketing (Mobile Media Enterprises) and legal implications (Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP). For the seminar, we have selected EARTH University Foundation as the working brand for SocialStatusTK game board experience.


Seminar cost is $25 per person. The event begins at 8:15 a.m. at Market in the W Hotel Buckhead and will conclude around 10:30 a.m. For additional details just shoot me a comment below and I will get back to you with more information.


Happy social networking and we hope to see you there!