Is Digital the Best Way to Reach Millennials?

Is Digital the Best Way to Reach Millennials?

Millennials—or Generation Y, depending on your preferred vocabulary – are now the primary consumer audience for many companies looking to market their products or services. However, understanding what makes 85+ million people tick is no easy task. The cultures of the...
Who Should Be Managing Your Digital?

Who Should Be Managing Your Digital?

There’s a land grab going on in the marketing space around digital marketing.  It’s as territorial and competitive as college football recruiting and satellite camps — with traditional ad agencies diversifying their paid media with more dedicated to digital and...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month | October 2016

Breast Cancer Awareness Month | October 2016

WHAT IS BREAST CANCER? Cancer occurs when cells do not die at the normal rate — there is more cell growth than cell death. This excess growth can form a tumor. Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast divide and grow without their normal control. Tumors in...
May the Road Rise to Meet You: Savannah’s XPlor Trip 

May the Road Rise to Meet You: Savannah’s XPlor Trip 

  Most of us know the old Irish blessing “May the Road Rise to Meet You, May the Wind be Always at Your Back…” But I think the Irish curse is just as intriguing: “May those that love us love us; and those that don’t love us, may God turn their hearts; if he can’t...
O Canada: Sarah’s T/K Xplor Trip

O Canada: Sarah’s T/K Xplor Trip

When one considers all of the typical vacation destinations sought after by travelers each summer, Canada may not be the first place that comes to mind. When Trevelino/Keller announced a new employee benefit program that provided us the opportunity to travel somewhere...