Metaverse – The Second Coming

Metaverse – The Second Coming

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was once a place called Second Life. Launched in 2003, users in this three-dimensional virtual world had the ability to create whatever they wanted and be whoever they wanted to be. Fast-forward about 20 years, and there’s a...
Standing Tall At #3

Standing Tall At #3

Ever watch the medal ceremonies at the Olympics? Have you noticed the stoic, frowning faces of the athletes who place third? While you can still appreciate their whole “the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat” moment, third place in the Olympics still makes you a...
How can we help the people of Ukraine?

How can we help the people of Ukraine?

MTW Every morning for the past few weeks, I wake up, make my coffee, and tune into CNN to see what the latest is on the war in Ukraine. I spend the day checking Twitter, I get New York Times updates directly to my email, Associated Press alerts on my phone; I’m...
Introducing a Growth PR+Mkt Firm

Introducing a Growth PR+Mkt Firm

T.S. Eliot wrote, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” In our public relations and marketing universe, we believe business is a series of small risks and tests to understand the potential of an idea, a strategy, a...