Growth Means Growth

Whether It’s Go to Market, Accelerated Growth or a Brand Relaunch, We Understand Our Growth Strategy Needs to Translate to Your Growth Outcome.

“We have moved from an ‘Age of Information’ to an ‘Age of Intelligence.’ Marketing needs to be more dynamic, personal…intelligent and yet seemingly authentic.”

Our Customized Solutions Take Into Consideration Where Your Business Operates Today

 More Than A Decade

Marsden Marketing Has Been a Major Growth Force in B2B Marketing

Go To Market


Name Development


Brand Identity Development


Website Launch


Reputation PR + Social


Inbound Content


Inbound Search + Paid

Accelerated Growth


Reputation PR + Social


Reputation Influencer


Inbound Search + Paid


Inbound LinkedIn


Inbound ABM


Outbound Advertising

Brand Relaunch


Naming Refresh


Brand Identity Refresh


Website/SEO Refresh


Organic Social


Reputation PR


Inbound Search + Paid

Inbound + Outbound + Reputation

Our Growth Marketing approach comes with no bias, just a flexible paradigm that pulls from three platforms – inbound, outbound and reputation.


Schedule a Zoom

Banner Display Ads


TV, Radio & Print Ads

ABM Paid

Trade Show Presence

Public Relations

Organic Social

Influencer Mkt

Affiliate Mkt

Content-Led SEO


ABM Opt-In


LinkedIn Marketplace

How We Staff

Our growing team of marketing experts originates from big agencies, boutique firms, and news outlets. They arrived with a strong base of skills that we continue to invest in through certifications and one of the industry’s most extensive marketing tech stacks.

Max Patel

VP, Growth Marketing

Anne Marsden

Senior Consultant

Suzanne Moore

Senior Consultant

Jeffrey Willis

VP, Growth Marketing

Cory Olesen

Content Director

Nadine Melo

Content Director

Merav Newton

Media Planning Director

Alex Lowe

Growth Marketing Specialist

Kyle Thyberg

Paid Media Specialist

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Overseeing Growth for Oversight through Digital & Earned Channels

The spend management and risk technology leader selected Trevelino/Keller to drive its digital and PR strategy. This program encompassed consultation on email marketing and lead gen content as well as full management of SEO and paid digital campaigns. Our goal was to drive more qualified leads into the sales funnel and improve visibility of the company’s unique position in the marketplace.

We saw website traffic and leads increase by 20% YOY with campaigns concepted for maximum PR and digital value. From quarterly reports tracking corporate spend, and a podcast demystifying spend risk, we provided Oversight with a robust approach to growth marketing and communications.
Demystifying Spend in an Approachable Format

We launched the podcast series, “Spend Risk Examined,” to share best practices for spend management and potential fraud organizations face. The five-episode series brings together anecdotes, ideas, and thoughts from risk strategy experts about managing spend. It served as additional content to bolster our paid efforts and drive visibility.