Why You Need Technology to Power Local Store Marketing

Why You Need Technology to Power Local Store Marketing

Although corporate marketing initiatives are an important part of any brand’s overall success, local-store marketing programs are essential to driving traffic to stores or restaurants. With that said, for small business owners or franchisees, gathering enough funds or...

Client Retention: A Decade and Counting

Breaking up is hard to do. And when the client/agency relationship is severed, it can be especially heartbreaking. But while we have certainly been on the receiving end of a “Dear John” letter or two, overall Trevelino/Keller is quite successful in the client...
A Resolution for 2013

A Resolution for 2013

There are plenty of reasons to make resolutions, and just as many reasons to break them.  In general, I hate resolutions because they never work.  They’re made in haste, at a time when we’re already pushed to the limits with obligations and responsibilities. However,...