About five months ago I made the bold decision to deactivate my personal Facebook account. I tired of seeing posts about my friend’s kids making their first poopy on the potty and seeing the pictures of the flowers their husbands sent to their office “just because.” I know this makes me sound cynical, and I’m okay with it because I know the reasoning behind my decision. I’m just one of the many people who decided I was in a dead end relationship and needed to pull the trigger. Just like any relationship, once resentment and dread set in, it’s time to reconsider our reasoning for staying. That is why I decided to break up with Facebook. And I haven’t looked back since.
Of course I continue to update my professional account and stay abreast to what’s happening. From small time pubs to the Wall Street Journal, the topic of Facebook ruining friendships and relationships has been blazoned across the headlines. PC World credits Facebook for a 20% rise in divorces. Computerworld says 77% of Facebook users log on while at work, inevitably decreasing productivity. Fox News went so far as to commission a study finding that Facebook can cause depression for those who “obsess over the social networking site.”
For me, it was a personal choice. I would rather go out and live life than sit behind a computer writing about it. I understand my move was bold and not for everyone. While I was able to cut ties personally, I’m happy with my choice to keep my professional page (in addition to my LinkedIn profile) so I can stay in the know with the latest industry happenings.
What I’ve noticed on my various social platforms since the Democratic and Republican National Conventions is that wherever I look, politics are sure to follow. Regardless of which way on the pendulum my cohorts swing, their opinions are there. I understand some folks enjoy a good political debate, find pleasure in hashing out their pro-choice/pro-life beliefs, and sharing their reasoning for supporting (or opposing) Obamacare, but one thing is for sure. I don’t want to hear about it when I log on to Facebook in the morning. I might be one of many or just one of few, but I’m not keen on blasting my political opinions out for public consumption. When I check my news feed, I don’t care to know that you cried because Michelle Obama’s speech moved you so. I don’t want to hear why you think Mitt Romney is going to change the country in ways we never dreamt possible. Let’s save those opinions for ourselves.
I can only speak for myself when I say I’m looking forward to November. Not just because of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes and cool weather, but so I can log on to my social networks in peace.
By: Jennifer Cohen