Why Radio Interviews are Great Practice for Shaping Your Startup’s Messaging

Many startups find that messaging is often the hardest aspect to creating a solid marketing plan. Not only do you need messaging that resonates with your audience and potential customers, but it must also strike a chord with your investors.

As you begin the process of creating your company’s messaging, it’s helpful to outline your business goals, why you began the company in the first place, the need for your product or service and how you see your startup and industry evolving over the next five years. Relaying this information to someone without a stake in the company can provide you with great feedback, and a great forum to simply talk about your startup is via radio interviews. There are a number of radio shows and podcasts, such as Start-Opia Radio, that solely feature innovative startups and how they are making an impact in their respective communities.

This forum allows for an open discussion surrounding your business plan, and hosts will ask you questions and give advice that can help shape your startup’s messaging.

These radio shows typically run anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and may be live or pre-recorded. Often, these shows can be repurposed, and the content can live on your website and be utilized for outbound marketing (e-blasts, etc.) as well as social media content.

Pop over to Start-Opia Radio for more information or to apply for a guest spot on the show.