Creative That Speaks

It Should Inspire and Engage You. Most Important, It Should Speak to You, Personally.

Creative Services

With more than 40 national awards, we have an eye for good design.

Upfront Assessment

Need a logo refresh or a web makeover? Reach out for an expert assessment.

Brand Identity

Captures the Essence of New or Refreshed Brands.

Logo Development
Brand Identity Package
Social Media Guide
Brand Guidelines
Location Branding

Graphic Design

Delivers Digital and Print
Rich B2B and B2C Design.

Presentation Templates
Marketing Collateral/Publications
Trade Show Presence

Web Services

Building Custom and Thematic Content and E-commerce.

Web Design
Web Refresh
Landing Pages/Microsite
Motion Graphics
Search Engine Optimization

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Cody Wellons

Senior Director of Web & Graphic Design

Jonathan Doss

Senior Design Director

Elyssa Velez

Director of Web & Graphic Design

Jenn Hinkle

Brand Director

Nick Parker

Web & Graphic Designer

Sydney Burton

Graphic Designer

We’re proud of our creative shop — seasoned, award-winning, responsive and timely.

* Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Meet Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study * Case Study

Subtle Changes Lead to High-Impact Rebrand

EMS Management Consultants (EMS | MC) engaged Trevelino/Keller to update core messages, branding and the company website after acquiring a series of companies. The desire to elevate the brand while maintaining the primary colors and company name presented a unique opportunity to simplify the organization’s look and feel. Making subtle modifications to the color palette and taking a font-based approach to the logo enabled Trevelino/Keller to update the brand while keeping the industry-recognized visual elements in play.



Utilizing a divider bar within the logo allowed us to tie in the company’s new tagline – Raising the Bar – with a subtle visual element of the logo. This also provided creative inspiration for the website and marketing materials, bringing consistency across the organization.